Friday, August 24, 2018

Away Game Procedures

As we begin to plan for several of our teams to play road games this week, here is a review of several of the policies we have.  Some are a repeat from Wednesday night's Parent/Player Meeting, some is expanded information.

All teams travel by bus to away games.  We try to minimize missed classroom time.  If a student has an away game, he needs to touch base with his teach at least the day before to ask permission (always granted), and ask how to make up missed work and assignments. 

We have had a wonderful response to the request for parents to help organize snacks for the bus trips.  We are still looking for a parent or two for the JV2 team, but they don't travel until the week after next.  Any takers?  Typical bus snacks include water and/or Gatorade, enough for each player to have to (one coming and one going), bagels and spreads (let us know about peanut butter allergies), energy bars, cookies, and fruit.  We usually have one banana each before the game, and another fruit (apples) afterwards.  There are several snacks that don't work well, including tangerines or clementines  (peels always find the floor of the bus)  Goldfish and other bits (bus floor). On longer trips, the Varsity and JV1 will occasionally have pizza or Subway.  We do not stop for fast food on the way home from trips. Fast food is expensive, time consuming and bad for you (unless you love megadoses of sodium).

Thanks as always for your support.  We're eager to start playing games next week!

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